Atmega328 IoT Trainer Kit
Research Design Lab’s IoT Trainer Kit is designed keeping in mind the latest technology on a single board. This makes it really easy to design, experiment with, and test circuitry without soldering. Students can explore a wide variety of electronic concepts simply by placing components on to the breadboard. All connections and controls are clearly marked and conveniently located. It is very useful in electronics laboratories for performing IoT experiments. It is also useful to build and test circuits as well as making projects related to IoT integrating with the cloud platform
₹ 6,960 ₹7,550
Made In : | India |
Atmega 328 is one of the most commonly used Micro controllers with open source platform amongst many hobbyist and industrial communities. The simplicity and the low power of Atmega 328 helps design many prototype boards which could be used in numerous applications.The Atmega 328 includes 6 analog inputs, 14 digital I/O pins (6 amongst these could be used as PWM outputs), a crystal oscillator with 16MHz frequency.
Atmega328p- controller and ESP8266 Module.
Standard I/O interface.
Programmable with Arduino open source IDE.
Simple and convenient design for the hobbyist and developers.
USB-FT232 Driver.
8 independent LED.
1 * 4 independent keys.
4* 4 keypad matrix.
RTC DS1307 with battery connector
AT24C02 I2C external memory.
I2C EEPROM Interfaces
The MAX232 chip RS232 communication.
16X2 LCD interface (character display).
All IO ports pin have extraction and clearly marked.
On Board Power supply 3.3V, 5V 12V, GND.
8 pin DIP switches.
RS232 Connector.
The board also has inbuilt Xbee footprint.
3 ADC potentiometers.
ON/OFF slide switch.
External jumper nodes.
Quartz crystal 16 MHz
ULN 2803 to drive Stepper Motor& Relays.
Reset button.
Power plug-in DC Socket.
Power supply indicator LED.
Test led for TX, Rx.
Pin outs for 3.3V, 12V, 5V, GND.
All IO’s are connected by burg strips for easy connection.
High quality PCB FR4 Grade with FPT Certified.
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